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What Is Your Most Challenging Work Experience

An interview is more than a conversation; it's a fact-finding mission for both the interviewer and the job seeker. Both sides seek to get the "real" story about the other, and employers ask tough, direct questions. A job seeker must present the best of personality, skills, knowledge and experience while the employer tries to learn about faults and weaknesses. One tough interview question that most employers ask is "What are your challenges?" How job seekers answer reveals a lot about themselves and their abilities.

Use Examples of Real Challenges

Prepare to give examples of real challenges you've faced. Be able to discuss how you've overcome them and what you've learned from them. Practice them with a friend or family member and ask for input about how your examples would sound to your prospective employer. Use one or two that most relate to the position you are seeking. Don't use examples of personal challenges unless they have helped you develop professionally.


"At my previous job, a colleague left the company suddenly. Unfortunately, this colleague had a major role in an important project. We didn't have time to replace her, so I was asked to take over her job so that we could stay on deadline. I had to get up to speed quickly, doing her job, as well as my own. We were able to complete the project on time, and the client was happy."

Don't Discuss Emotions

Don't get too personal when discussing challenges in a job interview. Use professional discretion to describe a challenge without going into detail about emotions or drama. For example, if asked to discuss a challenge with a co-worker or customer, explain how you constructively handled the situation. Don't talk about your fear or anger.


"We had an irate customer and nobody wanted to deal with her. I took the call and listened to what she had to say. After she calmed down, I was able to offer her three options for resolving the situation. We came to an agreement and she ended up buying from us again. I not only saved the sale, but I was also able to help us keep the customer, too."

Be Honest But Brief

Be honest when discussing challenges but be brief with your answer. Don't spend too much time on the difficulty you present, just state it and briefly explain how you dealt with it and what you learned from it. Do not talk about any extreme challenges that ended in disaster. Choose challenges that have presented learning opportunities.


"When I moved into my first management position, I had to learn to be more confrontational with employees who were not pulling their weight, with the result that we were missing deadlines. I worked with my boss to learn how to be more comfortable addressing performance issues quickly."

Don't Be Vague

When asked in an interview about your challenges, be specific with your answers, not vague or too general. Telling the interviewer that your confidence sometimes causes you to overlook details leaves the interviewer wondering what you mean and wanting to ask you to explain. Instead, be specific in describing an incident that illustrates your challenge.


"I made the mistake of being overconfident in my abilities on a project one time, and I didn't check in with my boss until the deadline was one day away. I learned to check in frequently and well ahead of deadlines on projects."

What Is Your Most Challenging Work Experience
